Training in scientific writing and publication

Project Presentation

Under the auspices of the Vice-Rectorate of Post-Graduation and Scientific Research and the Vice-Rectorate of Cooperation and External Relations. The Center for Excellence in writing with the Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Department of Constantine’s Ibn Badis University Hospital, are organizing a training programme in research methodology for doctoral students of all specialities at University of Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider. This programme is designed to be given over 1 month, 4 hours a day, 1 day a week. It covers the basics of scientific research, statistics and scientific writing.

Training progression

The overall content of the training sessions will cover:

Evaluation and Closing

  • Knowledge Assessment
    • Quiz or short exam on key concepts covered
  • Open Discussion and Q&A
  • Closing of the Training
    • Participant feedback
    • Advice for continuing self-directed learning
    • Distribution of Participation Certificates

Training Director