RESearch by ALgerian Student’s ELite – project (MSRP – RESALETI)
Project Presentation
The Laboratory of Biostatistics, Mathematics, Bioinformatics, and Methodology Applied to Health Sciences (BIOSTIM) at the Faculty of Medicine of Constantine, in collaboration with the Scientific Association of Hepato-Biliary and Pancreatic Pathologies (ASPHBP), is organizing, in partnership with the “Center for Excellence in Writing” at Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider University, a research training program called “RESALETI – Project”. This program is intended for students of the Faculty of Medicine of Constantine and is part of the Medical Scientific Research Prize (MSRP) competition. The primary aim of this project is to introduce these students to scientific reasoning and the tools of health research.
Link of the project Here
Expected Impact
- Creation of a scientific research environment that will have a positive impact on education, scientific research, and biomedical practice in Algeria.
- Acquisition of useful skills for either an academic or public health career.
- Promotion of biomedical sciences research in Algeria.
Project progression
The training project is carried out in three stages:
Stage 1: Submission of a Research Topic
- Each student or group of students (no more than 3) wishing to benefit from this training must obligatorily and beforehand propose a research topic.
- The proposed topic should generally concern biomedical sciences.
- However, there is the possibility of collaborating with other specialists (in medicine, pharmacy, or dental surgery) or other disciplines (biology, biotechnology, nutrition, genetics, etc.).
- The submission must be made via the form provided on the dedicated website, which will be communicated later.
- The project submission form must include:
- The project title (topic).
- A brief description of the project (in less than 10 lines, present what is currently known about the topic and end with the research question).
- The participants in the project (Name, Surname, department, year of study, contact details).
- Possible collaborators (other specialists or disciplines).
- The terms and the submission deadline for projects (or topics) will be determined later.
Stage 2: Selection of Research Projects
- It will be done by the trainers based on the following criteria: relevance, originality, interest for practice or research in Algeria, feasibility, etc.
- Multi or transdisciplinary topics are strongly encouraged.
Stage 3: Training Workshops
Selected students will benefit from:
- Coaching for their research projects throughout all stages of the research process: from idea to publication.
- Participation in several training workshops according to the phases of the research process: One workshop per month at the headquarters of the Center of Excellence in Writing (UC3).
- The training content will be adapted to the selected topics and types of studies.
- Assistance in publishing the final research project document: both oral and written.
Duration of the Training
Between 8 to 10 months.